Canadian Studies Collection 2018

Livres Canada Books is pleased to present the 2018 Canadian Studies Collection.

Canada is a nation of ideas, and we are proud to offer the latest collection of titles from Canada’s great thinkers. Targeted to Canadian Studies scholars, librarians, and Canadianists, the Canadian Studies Collection is a specialized publication highlighting the best books on or about Canada. It is the authoritative publication for buyers and readers of Canadian Studies content. This year’s edition features titles in a variety of disciplines including aboriginal studies, architecture, arts and culture, business and law, communications, economics, environment and geography, history, literature and literary criticism, political science, and social science.

Canadian publishers have embraced digital publishing, and many now offer their titles in various formats. Several of the titles listed in this catalogue are also available as ebooks.

We encourage you to explore what Canadian publishers have to offer. Many more titles are listed on the Livres Canada Books website. If you, or your institution or association, wish to obtain print copies of the Collection, please contact us by email at We would be happy to send you complimentary copies.

Thank you for your interest in Canadian books!

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Titles included in this catalogue